Sunday, March 16, 2008

D&D in honor of E. Gary Gygax

I just learned his first name was Ernest. He seemed like a friendly guy and it's a shame he's gone. Yes yes, I know it's late to talk about this as it happened over a week ago, but tomorrow I'll be running a session of Basic DnD, first ed. both to honor Mr. Gygax, and to try to recapture the fun I had playing AD&D 2nd ed. as a kid.

I will be running Palace of the Silver Princess (B3), which I downloaded from the Wizards of the Coast website. It seems like a pretty basic dungeon crawl with some good tricks. We'll have a small group tomorrow (DM + 2 players) because two players had a schedule conflict. That's ok, we'll play next time (I'm excited to get started on Harris' Unknown Armies campaign).

Friday, March 14, 2008

Scary Dream, Night of 3/13/08

I don't remember the details, just the overall feeling.

I know it began with Kelcie and I walking down a forest road. As we came to an intersection I was almost knocked over by a passing biker. Enraged, I yelled after him, shaking my fist. Kelcie looked at me, worry written on her face.


"Who are you yelling at?"

"That biker. He almost knocked me over!"

"Sam, there's no one there."

Of course when I looked, she was right. There hadn't been any biker.

This theme repeated itself again and again. I would get almost violently angry with someone, almost coming to blows, and Kelcie, increasingly disturbed by my actions, would show me that there was no one there.

I remember at one point trying to convince her, or perhaps it was some sort of official (a policeman perhaps?) that I wasn't just seeing things, that these people were there. I remember arguing with them, desperately trying to show them I was right, I was sane. Of course, that's when I realized the official wasn't really there. Neither was Kelcie. I was all alone. With hundreds of people around me who weren't really there either.